MACNY advocacy.

Syracuse, NY- MANUPAC, The Manufacturers Association of Central New York’s  Political Action Committee, today released a joint announcement with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announcing their endorsement of John Katko for Congress in New York’s 24th congressional district. The two organizations endorse candidates based on their records on issues critical to economic growth, including health care, domestic energy production,  trade, taxes, and regulations. The announcement was made today amongst community and business leaders at MACNY member G. A. Braun (laundry equipment manufacturer), located at 79 General Irwin Boulevard in Syracuse.

JB Werner, Co-Owner/CEO  of GA Braun stated, “Here at GA Braun, we are pleased to be hosting this event today.  On behalf of Braun, I can speak to the dedication and commitment John has for not only for our manufacturing facility, but the regional manufacturing community at large.  His commitment to our growth and sustainability has been evident these last two years, and we are lucky to have John representing our sector and region’s interests in Washington.”

MANUPAC Chairman Nathan Andrews stated, “On behalf of MANUPAC, I am pleased to be standing here today recognizing Congressman John Katko as our endorsed candidate for the 24th Congressional district.  Throughout our endorsement process, it was clear to the MANUPAC Board as a whole that John’s commitment to our region and his wealth of knowledge and understanding of the Federal issues that impact our sector was second to none.  We are pleased to be endorsing John, and thank him for his clear commitment to both the region and the manufacturing sector.”

Eileen Braden, Vice President, Political Affairs and Federation Relations of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce stated, “The U.S. Chamber is proud to stand with the Central New York business community and MACNY to support John Katko. Katko has earned a reputation as an independent  leader who gets things done — from spearheading legislation to fix our broken roads and bridges to creating an environment for job creators to hire and grow. We’re honored to highlight his record and endorse him here today.”

“On behalf of the MACNY membership we are pleased to be standing here today at GA Braun, an exemplary manufacturing facility, endorsing John Katko for Congress,” stated Randy Wolken, President and CEO of MACNY – The Manufacturers Association.  “As stated, John has tirelessly worked with local business leaders and companies alike to assist in any way he can to make it easier to conduct business.  The past two years, John has exemplified a pro-jobs and pro-business representative and has voted in favor of many of the pieces of legislation that are critical to foster growth and a better business climate for manufacturers. ”

“I am incredibly honored to have earned the support of both the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the many local manufacturers and small businesses represented by the Manufacturer’s Association of Central New York,” said Congressman Katko.  “Our local businesses know best, and, for the past two years, I’ve made it a priority to visit with businesses – small and large – across Central New York.  I’ve taken what I’ve learned back to Congress –  fighting for policies that cut red tape, reign in harmful regulations and taxes, and grow our skilled workforce.  I’ve worked to improve our infrastructure, serving as a key negotiator on the first long-term highway bill after years of economic uncertainty and I’m focused on growing tourism in Onondaga, Cayuga, Wayne, and Oswego Counties.  Again, I’m grateful for the support I’ve received today, and I’ll continue to fight in Congress so that our local businesses can grow, prosper, and create greater economic opportunity in our region.”

During the 114th Congress, Congressman John Katko received a 95% ranking in the U.S. Chamber’s annual How They Voted scorecard and a 96% using the congressional voting record created and distributed by the National Association of Manufacturing (NAM).

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations.

MACNY, the Manufacturers Association, represents over 300 companies in a nineteen county region in Upstate New York.  The 103-year-old organization provides human resource services, training, purchasing solutions, networking opportunities and advocacy support for its members.