MACNY advocacy.

MACNY – The Manufacturers Association of Central New York opposes A.9279 (Englebright) / S.5027-B (Kavanagh), which would mandate the creation of an extensive and costly process for the collection and recycling of discarded carpet that otherwise only exists in California.

MACNY is a trade association representing more than 300 member companies with over 55,000 employees within a 26-county region, and we advocate for the growth and development of the manufacturing sector of New York State.

This bill would substantially raise the cost of carpet for consumers and result in lost jobs. The massive regulatory structure required under this legislation places the “cart before the horse” as New York does not possess the carpet recycling infrastructure required to manage post-consumer carpet waste. Moreover, the costs to be borne by the carpet industry to establish and maintain such a regulatory structure is unsustainable and would result in fewer carpets being offered for sale in New York.

The increasing cost of carpet recycling required to comply with this bill, coupled with the resulting and inevitable accelerating loss of carpet’s market share, would make it economically impossible to sell carpet in New York State – affecting hundreds of businesses and thousands of workers, including in Central New York, who sell and install carpet for a living. Ultimately it is retailers and consumers who will end up bearing the cost of this extensive system.

At a time when businesses are already struggling with the pandemic, higher taxes and regulations, legislation like this could likely stifle our State’s critical manufacturing community. For these reasons, MACNY respectfully opposes A.9279 (Englebright) / S.5027-B (Kavanagh).