Nixon Gear served as one of the host companies for the 9th Annual Manufacturing Careers Day in partnership with Partners for Education & Business (PEB) and the Manufacturers Association of Central New York (MACNY).
The morning of, they hosted two groups of students from three different school districts in the area, including about 60 students in total.
Manufacturing Day activities at Nixon included a facility tour with stops in just about every area of the company, including many work cells, departments such as ID/OD grinding and gear grinding, the quality lab, and the front office.
The students were enthusiastic and asked lots of great questions throughout the day.
We’re proud to have been able to serve as a host for this important day and hope we have been successful in the mission of Manufacturing Day; to encourage the next generation to pursue careers in modern manufacturing.
If you would like to see additional pictures from Manufacturing Careers Day at Nixon Gear, please click HERE!
Thank you to Nixon Gear for being a host site and all of your hard work in making this day such a success!