Please enjoy the March 2017 Edition of Manufacturing Matters, the monthly newsletter of MACNY, The Manufacturers Association!

Page 3 | President’s Message
It’s Time to Get Serious About Manufacturing Growth in New York State

Page 4 | Government Relations
Support the 100% Tax Rebate for Manufacturers

Page 5 | Learning & Development
These People Just Don’t Get It

Page 6 | HR Services
Hot Off The Line; Stats & Facts; CPI

Page 7 | Energy Solutions
Leveraging New Distribution Level Demand Response Programs in NY to Offset Energy Spend

Page 8 | Legal Alert
EEOC Issues Proposed Enforcement Guidance on Unlawful Harassment

Page 10 | PEB Update
CNY Job Shadow Day; P-TECH Corner

Page 12 | The Bottom Line
Employee Benefit Plan (EBP) Financial Statement Simplification