Join Partners for Education & Business for their Annual Awards Program and 25th Anniversary Celebration!
PEB will once again recognize outstanding students, programs, partnerships, mentors, businesses and community members for their achievements.
A highlight of this year’s program is the CNY STEM Scholarship Program. Over 700 high school graduates have applied for these scholarships since 2013.
Please join us in honoring these and so many other deserving students, businesses, and individuals who have made a difference and continue to support our community and PEB’s programs.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
7:30 AM – 9:15 AM
Le Moyne College – James Commons/Special Events Room
Cost: $25, includes buffet breakfast
(students, parents, teachers, and family members may attend at no cost)
To sponsor this event or to learn more, contact Joe Vargo at [email protected] or 315-448-1012.