Simple Pleasures
Randy Wolken, President & CEO
The world is throwing a lot at us each day. I witness and write about fast-paced change in a global economy. Life is now moving at an exponential pace – not just linear. Most of us have never experienced life at this speed. Technology changes are doubling every 12 to 24 months. The average lifespan of a Fortune 500 company is now 14 years – not over 50 years as it once was. Our jobs and our world are changing really fast. How do we deal with such change? Enjoy the simple pleasures of daily life.
We cannot stop the rapid changes that are upon us. No amount of effort on our part can stop this pace. But, we can do something about what we focus on. I suggest you take time each day to enjoy the simple, everyday pleasures of your life. For me, I have found solace in a simple lunch. I like Empire Apples. It gives me great pleasure to enjoy one and reflect on my many trips to the local orchard to pick them with my family. I look at the trees – in whatever season they are in – and marvel at their perseverance. I enjoy smiling at co-workers. I like to listen to music on the way home from work. These, and many others, are the simple pleasures that daily life can hold for us – if we take the moments to notice them.
Life can get really busy if we don’t stop to notice life’s simplest offerings. And, almost all of them are free or next to free. We can all have them if we choose them. I, like many, can get nostalgic. I do miss the days when my kids were home and young. I miss evening meals and family holidays. Life seemed slower then. I have learned that life will pass me by if I do not take the time for the simple offerings of the day. Focusing too much on the big events that are less frequent can rob me of the daily offerings. Simple can be better. Frequent can be satisfying. There is so much abundance that I can miss. How about you?
What simple pleasures in your life could you notice more often? How could you find the mental and physical capacity to notice them each day? Who in your life could you reconnect within the simplest of ways? How can you help others notice the simple pleasures of their lives? Some good questions to ponder today – and each day.
One of my simple pleasures is writing this weekly message. I hope it gives you a brief moment to pause, learn a little, and enjoy your life more.