Dennis Nett | [email protected]
Did you happen to catch the videos circulating on social media last week of the Upstate Medical University nurses sojourning to Stony Brook Medical to assist their downstate fellow New Yorkers? If not, you missed some incredibly moving footage of Upstate staff members applauding their coworkers as 22 nurses walked through the Upstate lobby en route to transportation, the caravan on its way, and the reception the nurses received when they arrived at Stony Brook. The sight of those medical professionals and hospital workers, dressed in PPE and masks, clapping and cheering, brandishing handwritten “thank you” signs, lining the foyer…it was truly moving.
#upstatestrong reminds us that this MACNY member always shows up. When MACNY affiliate, PEB, sent out the call for mentors for our coaching sessions with the Syracuse City School District’s PTECH program, Upstate Medical University responded with too many volunteers! As busy as they are, Upstate staff members readily share their career exploration opportunities through field trips, job shadowing, career fairs, speaker events, and scholarships. This community has come to expect that Upstate Medical University can be counted on to turn out where the need is greatest.
Well, they’re stepping up again. Yesterday, 22 more Upstate Medical employees, including nurses, respiratory technicians, and other medical professionals, journeyed to Long Island to help with the surge in patients.
We salute these dedicated Central New Yorkers who risk their lives to ensure the lives of our downstate neighbors. They represent the best in all of us. #upstatestrong #nytough